Where Are You?

Where are you?

I search….but cannot find.

My heart longs for your presence

You are always in my mind.

When you leave me

I cannot seem to cope

My mind shuts down and

I lose all my hope.

I know you’re near me

I feel it, oh so strong

So please my dear one,

Come back where you belong.


What is this my mind is saying

I know not, is it now praying?

Praying for what used to be?

Praying what I would like to see?

Are these prayers?? These thoughts within me

Cannot  hear them, nor can I see

They’re tormenting, yet enhancing

Sometimes still and sometimes dancing.

Trying hard, I cannot reach them

And I can’t tell how to teach them

All those things that I’d like to say

Since they won’t let me have my way

Flitter flutter just beyond me

How they gather round to hound me

Teasing, yet cherubic singing,

Leaves my brain with something winging.

Are they prayers or something wanting?

I don’t know, but they are daunting!

Driving me toward something higher

Til my mind is filled with fire

Bursting forth a blaze of glory.

Like a hunter with his quarry

Which will win this endless fight?

Thoughts of darkness or those of light?

Passions Red Rose

You sent me passions red rose today

No word was said…none was needed

The message was very clear

It told me that you care…..

Passion would be ours

This very night

And you would

Take me


The heights

Of rapture


With the two of us

Merging with a fiery

Desire encompassing

And raising our bodies beyond

Ecstasy up into the sublime!


A dollop of passion to start

Stir in a smidgen of hurt

Mix and let settle awhile.

In a separate bowl mix in

Duplicity and deceit.

Let stand until it festers.

Add to first ingredients

And combine well.

Add a generous amount of pain,

A heart broken in pieces,

And a copious amount of tears…..

Mix and let rise til it

Bubbles to the surface

And wait for




Eyes that taunt

And call to me…

Knowing more

Than I will see…

In their depths

There is a glow

Call is strong

And I must go

Into realms

Beyond man’s dreams

Phantoms lurk

With deadly schemes.

But that promise

is so strong…

Tells me now

That I belong.




Witchy Ways

She thought she knew him very well.

It seems that she did not.

And so she cast the magic spell

and zapped him on the spot.

That low life who dared do her hurt

And cast her heart askew.

He trampled it down in the dirt…

Now she knew what to do.

Her witchy ways came to the fore

She gave him tit for tat

And zapped him down onto the floor

Turned him into a rat!!

Nightfall for the wee ones

Faeries dancing,,Faeries prancing

Elves and gnomes are having fun

Daylights gone now, night is here now

No more glaring from the sun

Pixies, Dwarfs and Leprechauns wil

Play the songs and sing the tune

Mermaids sit within the waters

Listening beneath the moon.

Pegasus and Unicorn

Offer rides to those who will

Laughter rises from the wee ones

No one will refuse this thrill.

As the night moves swiftly onward

Every wee one has such fun,

And their mirth will now continue

Only til the rising sun!